How to Get Into Your Computer’s Windows Registry

 How to Get Into a Computer Registry

How to Get Into Your Computer’s Windows Registry

Have you ever wonder about a way to get into your computer’s Windows Registry? Well no worries, In this article we gonna show you how to get into your Windows Registry . Follow the following steps given below.

How to Get Into a Computer Registry , Easy Way To Get Into A Computer Registry

Steps To Get Into A Computer Registry :

This Is How You Can Create a System Restore Point :

Step 1 : Click on the Start menu :

Before using your Registry Editor, it is always advisable to create a System Restore point . If any changes that you have made went wrong then this system restore point will help you to roll back and restore your computer .

Step 2 : Follow the path :

Go to All Programs => Accessories => System or System tools => System Restore . Now left click on the system restore, then a window will pop up . This window will give you a choice of creating a restore point or restoring your computer .

Step 3 : Create a restore point :

These are the necessary precautions to be taken. This Restore points will restore your system to that date ( Restore date ) If you have made any mistake on ” regedit “. Once you have made a restore point, close the system restore.

Opening the Window’s Registry Editor :

Step 1 : Open “Run” . You can access it from the Start menu or Directly press Windows+R to open it .

Easy Way To Get Into A Computer Registry, Easy Way To Get Into A Computer Registry

Step 2 : Type ” regedit ” in your Run dialog box and press enter . This will open your computer registry. But be very cautious when you are adjusting the computer registry, as you can cause your system to become incurable.Once you are in the registry, you can use it to remove old and unwanted programs or change your History folder location and many more.

Note :

=>If you do even a small mistake,  literally your windows will be crashed !

=>Be Very careful when editing your computer registry!

Learn how to delete a program by modifying the Windows Registry here.

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